Owlcrate August Unboxing

My August Owlcrate box arrived two weeks ago, but I only got time to take some photos now. I have to admit that this was an amazing box, but not my favourite! The theme is Fast Times at YA High. I feel like Darkness or Good vs Evil might be my favourites. (my September box isn’t here yet, but I’ve watched some videos about it and my July box came after the August box.)

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Book Haul

I have an amazing book haul for you today! I’ve ordered some amazing books from Okian (which is a Romanian bookstore) and last week my order came. I bought 5 books and one of them is a hardcover edition. I love this bookstore because the prices are really good and they have sales most of the times. If you are Romanian like me you need to check it out.


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A different kind of bookmark

Yesterday I went to the post station hoping that my July OwlCrate arrived, so I started looking for my name in a big old register. After a while I found my name and the number of my packet. The parcel wasn’t my OwlCrate box, but another exciting item: a bookmark from Mybookmark ( bit.ly/mybookmarkshop ). I have to admit that I totally forgot about ordering it, but you should check these amazing people, because their bookmarks are so well made and have such a great quality that you won’t be disappointed in them.


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Ascultă-ți inima ( Recenzie)

Eu sunt Annabel.
Fata care are totul.  Frumuseţea unui fotomodel, încredere şi o viaţă socială de invidiat.  M-am născut sub o stea norocoasă. Nu-i aşa? „Cea mai bună prietenă” a mea mă împroaşcă cu noroi. Familia mea se destramă încetul cu încetul. Iar vara, ce nu pare să se mai sfârşească, este scăldată în tăcere, secrete şi singurătate. Am cunoscut însă un băiat care nu mă lasă să mă ascund în cochilia mea. Un tip obsedat de muzică. Hotărât să-mi deschidă urechile şi să mă înveţe să ascult. Hotărât să-mi dăruiască zâmbetul pe buze. Dar poate el oare să mă ajute să uit ce s-a întâmplat în noaptea în care viaţa mea s-a schimbat pentru totdeauna?

Cartea a fost publicată la ediutra Epica, iar aceasta este coperta ei:


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The Siren- Review



A girl with a secret.
The boy of her dreams.
An Ocean between them.

Years ago, Kahlen was rescued from drowning by the Ocean. To repay her debt, she has served as a Siren ever since, using her voice to lure countless strangers to their deaths. Though a single word from Kahlen can kill, she can’t resist spending her days on land, watching ordinary people and longing for the day when she will be able to speak and laugh and live freely among them again. Kahlen is resigned to finishing her sentence in solitude…until she meets Akinli. Handsome, caring, and kind, Akinli is everything Kahlen ever dreamed of.Falling in love with a human breaks the Ocean’s rules. But for the first time in a lifetime of following the rules, Kahlen is determined to follow her heart.

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